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Volume 6 (1); Jan, 2016
Research Paper
Strategic Planning to Develop Sports Tourism of Maragheh with a Focus on Water-Based Sports Mainly Canoepolo.
Chekaniazar M and Zakerhaghighi K.
J. Civil Eng. Urban., 6(1): 01-06, 2016; pii:S225204301600001-6
Tourism industry with its various branches not only can diversify needs of citizens, but is considered as a useful tool for sustainable urban development. Sport tourism is one of the tourism areas, and water sport is one of its fields. Water sports charm with vitality, dynamism and excitement that can be at the center of focus on a significant range of people (young and teenager). The main purpose of this research is strategic planning of sports tourism development in Maragheh, with emphasis on water sports and Canoepolo. The city with geographical prone conditions such as water rafting, environmental, structural, historical and cultural context can underlie the development of sports and sports tourism in the region. This is analytical-descriptive study; appropriate strategies were presented using library and field data and surveying 60 experts in tourism, sports management and SWOT technique. The findings of the external and internal factor matrix evaluation indicate that regarding the final score in the internal (3.9) and external factor (25.4), Maragheh has ideal conditions for using opportunities and strengths to develop sports tourism. Therefore, adopting aggressive strategies to the optimal management of water sports, especially sailing and Canoepolo, and optimal management of tourism in the city leads to sustain and enhance the quality of life for the citizens.
Keywords: Tourism, Sport Tourism, Urban Development, Water Sport, Canoepolo, Maragheh
Research Paper
Strategic Planning of Regional Tourism with Sustainable Development Approach; Case Study: Khaf Region.
Nabi Najafi Gh, Rashidi Ebrahim Hesari A, Jeddi M, Fatallahzadeh F.
J. Civil Eng. Urban., 6(1): 07-15, 2016; pii:S225204301600002-6
One of the confident and practical things to promote urban planners to manage the sustainable regional tourism is to recognize the capabilities and potentials of present tourism in urban and rural centers in order to use of them optimally and also to recognize the existing insufficiency to avoid, plan and reduce the supposed insufficiencies in these two tourism sectors. This study intended to evaluate and analysis the potentials and also insufficiencies of regional tourism in Khaf with sustainable development approach and to provide the regional tourism development plan. The study is a descriptive-analytical in terms of nature and it is an applied one. It is used from librarian and survey methods to recognize the internal and external factors influenced on the regional tourism development of Khaf and to collect related data and information. In survey studies using Delphi method, the perspectives of 50 people elite, experts and local peoples are used. Confirming the factors, the administrative questionnaire is prepared. Its validity is confirmed using statistical population. The Cronbach alpha related to internal and external questions are 0.871 and 0.912 respectively. Then, the internal and external factors are evaluated using SWOT technique, and then they rated using Freedman test. The findings indicated that the final score of internal and external matrix are 4.131 and 4.3 respectively. Therefore, the dominant strategies to develop the regional tourism of Khaf using sustainable development approach are of the kind of strategic offensive (SO). In last, given to results and calculations, six strategies are provided.
Key words: Sustainable Tourism, Regional Tourism, Strategic Planning, Khaf
Research Paper
The Urban Dilemmas in Iran Marginal Urban Area; A Case Study of Kermanshah city.
Naghdi A, Khanian M, Rueentan M.
J. Civil Eng. Urban., 6(1): 16-23, 2016; pii:S225204301600003-6
In recent decades, urbanization has experienced a rapid growth in Iran. One of the outcomes of this process was rise of slums and informal settlement around cities. In Kermanshah province, urban population rate was explosive and many immigrants dwelled in slums, especially in larger slum such as Djafarabad. So, it is necessary to investigate the considerable rate of slum population in Kermanshah. This study aims at explore the causes of migration, period, geographical origins of immigrants, education, inspirations and aspirations, economic status of family and residence, citizenship belonging, social deviances, satisfaction with urban life and finally socio-economic profile of Djafarabad. The methodology was based on survey method including of questionnaire. Sample size estimated 374 residents of margins in Djafarabad region of Kermanshah. Findings indicated that more than 70% of inhabitants live in houses with more than 5 people. Approximately, all houses (97%) are hired by contract. piped water, gas and electricity are accessible for most of residents. high unemployment rate and job instability with diversity of worker jobs forms particular feature of inhabitants. Major part of low family incomes spend on food and clothing (89%) and other costs such as healthcare services are quite low. Most migrants perceive current family position as something better than their situation in rural area. Economic causes are first determinants to de make decision for moving from villages. Social networks and imitating migration are low. The degrees of social disorders are high and citizenship belonging shows to be higher than other cities. At the end, tendency to participation in urban activity is high.
Keywords: Slum Residents, Urban Issues, Marginalization, Social Problems, Djafarabad
Research Paper
The Role of Built Environments in Mental Health.
Mehdinezhad M.R., Nikbakht H., Omidi Naghelbari M.H., Hosseinzadeh Otaghsarai S.M.A.
J. Civil Eng. Urban., 6(1): 24-30, 2015; pii:S225204301600004-6
Keywords: Environmental psychology, Stress, Mental Health, Built Environments
This article discovered as a duplicate of previously published article and it has been withdrawn from Scienceline database during publication due to the plagiarism
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