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Partner Journal
Table of Content, 25 November 2014
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pii: S225204301400085-4 Monitoring Land Subsidence of Mashhad Valley of IRAN Using Leveling, GPS Survey and InSAR Techniques |
Original Article, D85 ABSTRACT: In Northwest of Mashhad, one of the cities of Iran, land subsidence phenomenon is taking place highly due to the Irregular withdrawal of groundwater. Maximum transfer rate induced land subsidence is estimated about 23 cm per year by help of continuous GPS observations and precise levelling data provided by the National Cartographic Centre of Iran (NCC). GPS stations give precise continuous measurements but at a few sparse points of the deformed area. Therefore, they are not able to map the extent and pattern of the ground surface deformation caused by subsidence. Nowadays, the ability of In SAR in displacement of ground level continuous coverage with high spatial resolution has been proved with less than one centimetre accuracy. In this research, areas and the pattern of land subsidence was measured using the mentioned technique. 10 ENVISAT ASAR Radar images have been used to calculate 17 incremental interferograms and were determined by time series In SAR analysis of ground level in each radar data acquisition date. Present results revealed long and short term land subsidence changes in mentioned period. To detect land subsidence rates, the Average velocity map of movement were prepared with help of In SAR time series analysis results. Areas with different rates displacement was marked in this map. Based on this map, the maximum land subsidence rate was estimated about 24 cm. Comparing time series analysis results of In SAR and GPS measurements and precise levelling showed the high compliance of these data. Then an optimal GPS monitoring network was designed with image of the average speed of displacement to determine the horizontal displacement. |
pii: S225204301400086-4 Evaluating Human Consolation in Sadra Town Regarding Bioclimatic Indexes |
Original Article, D86 ABSTRACT: As it is one of the most important vital tenets to choose a suitable place to live, it is better to evaluate the relation between the human healthiness, and natural and climatic features as temperature, humidity, sun light, and daylight hours which are the important parametersÂÂ in human life for finding the best place considering consolation and convenience. In this part of the research, it is tried to check the convenience or the inconvenience of life in Sadra from the point of view of climate using some climatic indexes such as day convenience factor, night convenience factor, Beaker bioclimatic index and thermo-hygrometric index. The research results show that there is not any bioclimatic pressure and the climate is pleasant in Sadra throughout the year. It is possible to help Sadra for accomplishing the best city programming to make it progress by giving the city features to civil programmers and with the help of evaluating the indexes and the models according to human convenience or inconveniency in different times of the year. |
pii: S225204301400087-4 An Economic – Structural Evaluation of the Accommodation of Nomads (Case Study: Baranjegan Nomads of Ghaenat in South Khorasan, Iran) |
Original Article, D87 ABSTRACT: The preparation of land and the development of a country require special attention to all urban, rural and nomadic habitats. Accordingly, Iran’s nomadic community holds a significant status due to its deprivation and hardship. Therefore, the issue of settlement of the nomads has always been a major concern. This policy was prevalent in the Pahlavi era with a political bias and continued until the Fourth Development Plan of the country (2005-2009) with an outlook for sustainable development. This resulted in the formation of various villages or self-established centers the ignorance of which can give rise to the waste of finance and separation from spatial order of land. As one of the centers for the Iranian nomads, the province of South Khorasan accommodates different tribes and ethnic groups who have been settled down. The Bahlooli Tribe of Baranjegan area is one of the most genuine migrating tribe in this region and was the first to have been settled in South Khorasan. These people had a nomadic life just before 1993, but later due to the flood of 1993, their houses were totally destroyed and some of the nomads chose to lead a semi-nomadic life and some others totally settled, leading to the formation of the new village of Baranjegan. This research aims to evaluate the scheme of habitation of nomads (mainly on the economic-structural basis) in the Baranjegan region of Qaenaat city in South Khorasan. The study is a field research which includes observations and interviews with the nomads. The study also follows a library method making use of the articles and documents and the results of the statements made by the natives of the areas and observations of their living conditions and the obstacles and challenges that they had faced. |
pii: S225204301400088-4 Locating Temporary Settlements in Earthquake Crisis Using AHP and GIS (Case Study: Damavand Region) |
Original Article, D88 ABSTRACT: Planning before crisis occurrence is a key problem which managers are dealing with these days especially in the field of crisis management. The aim of this research is optimum locating of temporary accommodation for those injured after earthquake using model AHP and also by applying geographical information system GIS in Damavand Area. It is worth to mention that due to presence of main faults of Mosha, this county is a seismic one in Tehran Province. The research method used is descriptive-analytical method. In the first method a brief review of theoretical definitions of the research was provided and then AHP model was analyzed.ÂÂ After studying factors which are effective on environment, and population of Damavand, we dealt with weighting to parameters using analytical hierarchical process AHP. Finally, with the results we gained and by combining layers in software GIS we conducted a fine locating for setting up temporary accommodation resulting from earthquake. |
pii: S225204301400089-4 Study of Rasht Urban Parks by Using GIS |
Original Article, D89 ABSTRACT:Global tries to protect environment are for almost original ecosystems and have biodiversity and has paid less attention to nature near to workplace and humans living place, Small green urban place and their benefits for people .Urban parks and green and open spaces have strategic importance in our urban community life quality. Natural areas in addition to important bioenvironmental services such as air and water purification, sound and wind insulation and creating microclimate, prepare social and physiological services that are important to make cities livable and improve residents status. One of the urban critical problems is urban green space scarcity that effects on human life in different dimensions. Comparing to urbanization standards, in addition to low green space in different Iran cities, its undesirable dispersion also has created some problems that could refer to injustice green space distribution on the city and citizens accessibility difficulties. This paper aims to introduce urban green space importance to improve citizens’ status and urban development where live. Also current parks place in Rasht region one analyzed by using criteria closeness to residential areas , training centers, cultural and religious centers, commercial centers, official centers, river, access to main ways and far away current parks in GIS and AHP hierarchical analysis method. |
pii: S225204301400090-4 Introducing a New Approach for Modelling the Near Field Effects in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis |
Original Article, D90 ABSTRACT: In definitions of seismic hazard analysis, if the site distance from the fault causing earthquake is short, that site will be considered near fault. The recorded results of previous earthquakes have shown that in such site, the structures show very complex and different behaviour from far field area such that it is required to consider near fault seriously and independently. So far, various studies have been carried out to present a method for reliable modelling of near fault behaviour including the present study. In fact, so far, no reliable and definite method has been proposed for modelling of near field effects in probabilistic seismic hazard analysis and this study aims to take some steps in this area. The present study proposes a new solution based on combined use of both spectral attenuation relations, i.e. spectral attenuation relations with near field effect and spectral attenuation relations lacking near field effects, for calculation of probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. The results of this study indicate the capability of this new idea in modelling of near field effects for reliable estimation of seismic hazard. The results of this study show that the use of attenuation relations of near field, individually, for seismic hazard analysis, increases the spectral acceleration tangibly and unacceptably and is not much reliable. Thus, to overcome this deficiency, one can claim that the best solution for consideration of near field effects is to use the combination of both near and far field attenuation relations according to the proposed model in this study. |